PETA claims Hopkins barn owl lab violated state law by operating without a permit By WILLIAM BLAIR and JENNIFER JIANG | May 11, 2021
PETA files lawsuit against USDA for Hopkins barn owl lab By JENNIFER JIANG and KAUSHIK SRINIVASAN | April 29, 2021
Hopkins barn owl lab faces scrutiny from PETA By BAYLEIGH MURRAY and JENNIFER JIANG | December 15, 2020
Coronavirus Resource Center named one of Time's best inventions of 2020 By JENNIFER JIANG | December 13, 2020
China-U.S. technological relationship: Time for a divorce or continued cooperation? By JENNIFER JIANG | November 22, 2020
SAIS professors discuss how the pandemic will shape U.S. foreign policy By JENNIFER JIANG | October 19, 2020
From hidden hunger to cool roofs: Four projects addressing health equity commence By JENNIFER JIANG | October 11, 2020
Daniels reaffirms commitment to research and inclusion as Hopkins faces uncertainties after federal funding cuts