Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
January 30, 2025


The opinions presented below are solely the views of the author and do not represent the views of The News-Letter. If you are a member of the Hopkins community looking to submit a piece or a letter to the editor, please email

Letter to the Editor 03/09/21

I appreciate Julia Zeng’s thoughts but would like to respond to the misrepresentations in her piece. This isn’t just a matter of who is right and who is wrong; perceptions of SGA have a major effect on what we are able to do for our student body. 

Zeng emphasizes the importance of finding reliable contacts in SGA, pictured here in 2020.

Why I quit SGA and why you should care

I originally ran for the Student Government Association (SGA) on a whim. It wasn’t even something on my mind in February 2020, but after talking to a graduating senator, it was all I could think about — what platform I would run on, who I would run on a ticket with, what changes I was truly excited about making to our institution and our SGA and so on.

Letter to the Editor 12/21/2020

Hopkins experimenter Shreesh Mysore seems to have difficulty deciding if his grotesque experiments on owls are actually worthwhile, and he may have committed a crime by having birds to experiment on at all. 

Student organizations with in-person privileges face unique responsibilities during COVID-19

It has now been over a month since Hopkins students received an email from the administration regarding a sudden spike in confirmed COVID-19 cases on campus. In the following days, several dozen students fell ill with COVID-19, and all in-person activities were banned. That ban was lifted, but ever since the events of early February, all Hopkins students have been subject to harsher restrictions on their in-person activities, including a five-person cap on indoor gatherings of any kind. Only this week has Hopkins allowed outdoor gatherings of more than five people to resume.

We must stand in solidarity with our APIDA peers

In recent months, anti-Asian hate crimes have skyrocketed. Throughout the pandemic, Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities have faced verbal and physical assaults fueled by fear of the virus and former President Donald Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric. Trump repeatedly called COVID-19 the “kung flu” and the “China virus.” Although he may be out of office, his presidency and the pandemic in particular have unmasked America’s racism and sinophobia. 


Legislators are voting on the private police. Students must show they care.

The Maryland General Assembly held a hearing this week on House Bill 336, which aims to prohibit private universities from establishing police departments. Titled “Private Institutions of Higher Education - Police Departments - Repeal and Prohibition,” the bill would repeal several previously-approved articles permitting Hopkins to implement a police force and would more generally amend articles concerning forces at other private universities in Maryland. 

Felix argues that equitable vaccine distribution must be implemented worldwide.

Morally and practically, we need equitable vaccine distribution

The pandemic has led to a global reckoning, testing not only the strength of government institutions and leaders but also the very definition of human worth. In a race against mutations and transmission, world leaders are attempting to accomplish mass vaccinations, hoping that the scale of distribution will encompass the entire planet.


All talk and no action: It’s time to get rid of our racist namesakes

Last July, the University launched several initiatives following the nationwide protests that took place after the deaths of George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others. To address the University’s own role in structural racism, Hopkins created the Committee to Establish Principles on Naming, given the lives and legacies of many of our buildings’ namesakes. 

Phillip Yoon discusses how perspectives of tragedy are different for everyone during the pandemic.

Nietzsche and COVID-19: We’re all struggling in our own way

Commencement is now officially confirmed to be online. Although there is a possibility that the modality will change, it seems unlikely given the current severity of COVID-19. The virus has taken away many of our college experiences, but the one I’ll miss the most is being able to walk on stage at graduation in front of my friends, parents and professors. 


Graduate students need financial support. Hopkins can afford it.

For years, members of the Teachers and Researchers United (TRU), a graduate student organization, have called on the University to recognize them as an official union. Since the start of the pandemic, the need for this has become increasingly clear. Over the past 11 months, the University has failed to adequately support its graduate students, despite their crucial role in our institution’s functioning. 


Partying during a pandemic? Not worth it.

Yesterday the University announced that a cluster of students tested positive for COVID-19 in relation to off-campus social gatherings. Until this point, there were relatively few cases among undergraduates. The day after some students had their first day of in-person classes in nearly a year, they were forced back online.