Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
March 24, 2025


The Editorial Board applauds the University and President Daniels for joining a federal lawsuit against the National Institutes of Health following cuts to research funding, and argues that Hopkins must continue to take proactive action to oppose the Trump administration’s policies that restrict the University’s work. 

Trump’s made his move. Your turn, Hopkins.

On Feb. 10, President Ronald J. Daniels announced that Hopkins joined several universities and higher education groups in a federal lawsuit against the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in response to the NIH limiting indirect research costs to 15% of grant funding. Indirect costs are a percentage of grant money that is paid by the NIH to the institution conducting research (ie. Hopkins) for facilities, equipment, administrative support and IT infrastructure costs. As of 2023, Hopkins had negotiated an indirect cost rate of over 60% and such a dramatic reduction would have undoubtedly stalled the clinical trials and research at the University. 


Trump is holding the middle finger to Hopkins scientists and students

More than any other university in the country, Hopkins will be significantly affected by the pause on federal grants and the disruption to the NIH. Hopkins receives the most funding from the NIH of all universities in the nation, exceeding $800 million in 2023, causing research efforts to be acutely affected by the pause in grant funding. 


Your STEM degree alone is useless

October is National Arts and Humanities Month, and perhaps it is ironic that in a month designed to celebrate music, literature and philosophy, we are reflecting on just how neglected these pursuits are on college campuses like Hopkins. 

The News-Letter's 2024 Presidential Endorsement

More than any previous election, this one is a test of American democracy, and one that we must answer by voting for Vice President Kamala Harris — the candidate who values political institutions, promotes American interests domestically and abroad, and who will responsibly wield the power of the Presidency. 

The rankings are out and caring about them is too

Admittedly, Hopkins may not have much school spirit, but there is one time of the year where we all rally: the release of the U.S. News & World Report College Rankings. This year, Hopkins rose from ninth in last year’s rankings to sixth — its highest position yet.

Blue Jays, when will you flock to the polls?

Today is National Voter Registration Day. In recognition of the day and the upcoming national election, The News-Letter reflects on the importance of voting and encourages all eligible students to register and make a plan to vote. 

The importance of The News-Letter’s financial independence

The News-Letter is proud to be financially independent from the University, a tradition started by alumni of the paper that we have maintained for decades. This means that the paper does not receive funding from the University which enables us to serve as an unbiased and trusted organization when reporting on matters affecting the Hopkins community. As we begin the new school year, we want to provide readers with a greater understanding of our sources of funding and the importance of maintaining our independence.

The indispensable role of journalism on college campuses

As the school year draws to a close, The News-Letter is reflecting on the successes and challenges of this year and our role in the Hopkins community. It is a unique time to be working for a college newspaper. As editors of The News-Letter, watching breaking news notifications about our peer institutions roll in makes us wonder: What is the role of a university newspaper? Are we even making an impact? What can we do better? 

Baltimore is not your playpen, Hopkins: Watch where you expand

You might think that you’ve left Hopkins territory by walking a few blocks away from campus, but as the navy signage follows you, one thing is clear: The Hopkins bubble extends much farther than initially meets the eye. Recently, The News-Letter’s News & Features team launched an investigation into the University’s land and real estate holdings, both around Charles Village as well as the wider Baltimore area. After assessing its holdings, our Editorial Board is left with questions regarding the University’s intentions and its relationship with the Baltimore community. 

The Editorial Board argues that Hopkins must do more to support women on campus. 

Hopkins must uplift women, not just graduate them

This past Alumni Weekend, members of the first full class of female undergraduates were welcomed back to Hopkins to commemorate 50 years since their graduation. Since then, we’ve come a long way on making progress toward gender equity in academics, athletics and campus culture.


Toto, we’re not in Miami anymore. We’re in misery.

If you spent your break checking Canvas from the beaches of Cancún or frantically writing papers from airport terminals, you are not the only one. Contrary to what the name might suggest, spring break doesn’t always feel like a break. Our academic responsibilities seldom pause for our vacations with friends or trips back home.

The Editorial Board argues that the University should make efforts to reduce the cost of required academic resources for all students. 

Here’s some debt with your degree: College is too damn expensive

Hopkins is not insulated from the trend of rising college tuition and student debt. In the past decade, the cost of attendance at Hopkins, including tuition and living costs, has increased 10% more than the average increase at other U.S. colleges. Although the University states that it is committed to making every attempt possible to prevent students from taking on loans, many still graduate with substantial debt. The average debt among Hopkins undergraduates who have federal loans is $12,750. For the 6% of graduating seniors who borrow from private lenders, the average loan is an astounding $52,734.

Our 2024–2025 SGA Exec. Board endorsements: An election for the indecisive

If you haven’t noticed yet from the many posters around campus or the flurry of social media activity, it is officially time to elect our student government representatives for the next year. The Student Government Association (SGA) elections are set for March 11 and 12, and positions range from class senators to the Executive Board. Yet, we’re disappointed to see a relative lack of interest in the Executive Board positions. 

The Charm City Circulator is a free transit system that primarily runs through the “White L” of Baltimore.

Charm City needs to circulate more

If you’ve ever traveled from Homewood Campus to Fells Point, you’ll know how hard it can be to get to certain parts of Baltimore without shelling out money for an Uber. The Blue Jay Shuttle only offers rides within a limited radius, making it difficult to get to neighborhoods in East, West and South Baltimore. But, there’s an alternative to calling a shuttle or an Uber — Baltimore has a public transportation system. Why don’t we use it more often?

The Editorial Board expresses their concerns about AI-powered “journalism” websites.

Journalistic theft is not a victimless crime.

In contrast to the careless mass production of content by AI, student journalists at The News-Letter devote much more time and effort to their work. Our staff spends hours attending events, conducting and transcribing interviews, and writing and polishing content, all while balancing school work. It is a slap in the face to have our work lazily swiped.

The Editorial Board encourages Hopkins students to prioritize finding a hobby that brings them joy. 

Workaholics are out. Hobbies are in.

At a competitive school like Hopkins, students can often feel pressured into activities that improve their resumes and medical school applications at the expense of engaging in activities for leisure. Although you may claim that doing research, volunteering at a clinic or participating in a consulting club is a hobby, at the end of the day, you are probably doing it with the aim of advancing your career. We should find fulfillment outside of pursuits for academic or professional validation.

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