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(09/28/17 1:43pm)
While many may classify occasional binge drinking as a fun and harmless practice, researchers have beginning to discover otherwise. Recent studies of young college binge drinkers have shown that excessive drinking can have serious and permanent effects on the brain development and brain activity of young adults.
(09/28/17 1:42pm)
The Hudson Lab at UCLA has successfully used physics to tame elements of chemistry. The UCLA research team, led by Eric Hudson, was able to create a new molecule called barium-oxygen-calcium (BaOCa+).
(09/28/17 1:41pm)
Engineers at the University of Houston have recently developed a new way to produce electronic artificial skin that allows a robot to sense differences between hot and cold.
(09/28/17 1:40pm)
Yawning is an everyday phenomenon perceived as a sign of drowsiness and boredom. Some people even see it as a sign of disrespect.
(09/28/17 1:39pm)
If you have ever considered yourself a germaphobe and shuddered at the thought of bacteria surrounding you, recent scientific research may shock you. Did you know that the average human can have as much as five pounds of bacteria living on and inside of them?
(09/28/17 1:37pm)
From an evolutionary standpoint, aging makes no sense. Why deteriorate over time, when you could simply reproduce forever? How does it benefit us to grow older?
(09/28/17 1:35pm)
Taylor Bell, along with his team at McGill University and the University of Exeter used the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to measure the albedo of the exoplanet WASP-12b’s.
(09/28/17 1:34pm)
It is easy to disconnect the food on our plate from its origins and even easier to forget about the long process that gets that food to us in the first place. Food production however has a large impact on both the health of individuals as well as the environment at large.
(09/25/17 5:33pm)
As new strains of bacteria grow stronger and more resistant to drugs, antibiotics may becomes less effective. This is known as antibiotic resistance.
(09/21/17 1:59pm)
Hurrican Irma takes down wireless services
(09/21/17 1:58pm)
Recently, a group of scientists led by Assistant Bioengineering Professor Lulu Qian at Caltech developed the first “DNA robot.” This molecular robot was designed to perform precise nanomechanic tasks that retrieve and transport certain molecules around the body.
(09/21/17 1:56pm)
The Bacon Diet. Believe it or not, there is an actual diet colloquially known as the Bacon Diet, and it may just stave off illness, help you lose weight, help you become stronger, give you more energy and help you live longer.
(09/21/17 1:55pm)
Diabetics are commonly told to avoid candy and other sugary foods. In fact, most diabetics are put on a strict diet and closely monitor their sugar intake by taking glucose tests multiple times a day.
(09/21/17 1:54pm)
A group of German and Austrian researchers from the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences collaborated on a recent study titled “I Lie? We Lie! Why? Experimental evidence on a dishonesty shift in groups.”
(09/21/17 1:53pm)
Have you ever tried dieting and found that those fruits, veggies and whole wheat toasts just never work? A new study lead by Arne Astrup, head of the department of nutrition, exercise and sports at the University of Copenhagen, offers a possible explanation.
(09/21/17 1:51pm)
A group of 11 undergraduates traveled thousands of miles from Baltimore to Cape Town, South Africa this summer to expand their perspective on critical public health issues.
(09/14/17 3:00pm)
Coffee has been an age-old medical toss up: Physicians and researchers alike have been debating the effects of the drink on human health for decades. Today, coffee has a generally positive reputation among nutritionists, but it hasn’t always been this way. In the 1600s, some people believed thatcoffee causes impotence, and in the mid-1800’s, rumors went around that coffee could make you go blind and stunt your growth.
(09/14/17 2:59pm)
Can that quiz on Facebook really tell you who your future soulmate is?
(09/14/17 2:53pm)
Last month, psychologists at the University of Chicago discovered that speaking in a foreign language affects a person’s moral judgment. What they determined was that speaking in a foreign language encourages the speaker to act in favor of the “greatest good for the greatest number” of people.
(09/14/17 2:52pm)
If you ever find yourself tossing and turning one night, it might actually be a behavior you picked up from your mother. Researchers at the University of Warwick recently found a link between a mother’s insomnia and the sleeping behavior of children.