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(8 hours ago)
On Thursday, March 13, the Department of Biology hosted Greg Lang, associate professor of biological sciences at Lehigh University. Lang delivered a talk titled “Genome evolution in laboratory populations of yeast” as a part of the Department’s Seminar Series, and explored his lab’s work conducting experimental yeast evolution on the bench.
(03/12/25 4:00am)
On Friday, March 7, 2025, Stand Up for Science, a volunteer-based operation designed to protest perceived threats to scientific research and funding, gathered outside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The demonstration, which drew approximately 2,000 participants — including Hopkins students, lab groups and over 30 speakers from academia, hospitals and government — highlighted concerns over frozen research grants, the dismissal of government scientists and rollbacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.
(03/12/25 4:00am)
U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio announced on Monday, March 10, that the Trump administration had completed its six-week review of programs within the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and will shutter 83% of the programs. The rest of the programs will be folded into the U.S. Department of State.
(03/13/25 4:00am)
In the wake of shifting political attitudes towards science, policymaking and advocacy have become critical in guiding the future of science. The Science Policy and Diplomacy Group at Hopkins is an entirely graduate-student-run group aiming to ensure that science and policy remain connected through advocacy, awareness and action.
(03/12/25 4:00am)
A 2023 report from the City of Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services estimated that around 1,500 people experienced homelessness on any given night in Baltimore City. While this marks a decrease from previous years, it still affects a significant number of residents.
(03/10/25 4:00am)
With spring break quickly approaching, let’s take a look at some breaking scientific discoveries and news, from a new sickle cell disease cure to continued federal funding cuts.
(03/11/25 4:00am)
Epilepsy is a disorder characterized by disturbances in neuronal activity resulting in seizures. One in 26 people will develop epilepsy during their lifetime.
(03/03/25 11:12pm)
Despite the hardship the COVID-19 pandemic inflicted on many globally, it sparked immense progress in rapid testing for infectious disease: One could take a test quickly at home to determine whether they were infected, accelerating disease detection, treatment and recovery. Such innovation was partially championed by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Innovative Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases (JHCIDID).
(02/19/25 5:00am)
Some types of cancer are often diagnosed after the disease has metastasized and spread to other parts of the body. It can be hard even for expert radiologists to spot an early-developing tumor from CT scans without extensive knowledge of the patient’s background, genetics and lifestyle. The difficulty of obtaining timely medical care around the world delays patients’ access to diagnosis and treatment, allowing malignancies to further spread.
(02/18/25 5:00am)
Carolyn Elya gave a talk titled, "The Last of (Fung)us: Mechanisms of Fruit Fly Behavioral Manipulation by the Killer Fungus Entomophthora muscae" on Feb. 13 as part of the Department of Biology Seminar Series. Elya, an an assistant professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University, leads a lab focused on elucidating how parasites manipulate the behavior of their hosts.
(02/17/25 3:40pm)
As we continue to push through the spring semester, take a break and catch up with some of the latest scientific discoveries.
(02/19/25 12:46am)
Imagine a bustling metropolis on a weekday morning: vehicles honking, people rushing to work, street vendors setting up shop and delivery trucks weaving through the chaos. Despite the apparent asynchrony, there is order to this chaos. Now, if we shrink this scene down to the microscopic level, we zoom into another bustling system: the human gut microbiome. This is a dynamic and complex ecosystem teeming with trillions of microorganisms checking their own to-do lists to keep us alive.
(02/18/25 11:33pm)
On Tuesday, Feb. 4, visiting professor Derek A.T. Cummings at the Department of Epidemiology at the Bloomberg School of Public Health gave a talk entitled “Challenges in Infectious Disease Dynamics: highlighting work at Johns Hopkins Infectious Disease Dynamics” for the Institute for Computational Medicine.
(02/04/25 9:12pm)
In the coming weeks, President Donald Trump hopes his cabinet nominations will be swiftly confirmed. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) — who ran as an independent in the 2024 presidential election before dropping out and supporting President Trump — is eyeing an important position given America’s increasing prevalence of chronic conditions, as Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services.
(02/06/25 5:00am)
Bare wood splintered and cracked, deep streaks of crimson running through it like raw, bleeding veins. The choking scent of the ashes mingled with something deeper, something more intimate — the leather of an old armchair, the faint scent of coffee from the kitchen, the pages of old books that had been read and re-read. The blazing fire scorched our hearts with the same ferocity, turning the City of Angels into a hellscape.
(02/07/25 4:45pm)
"Who are you?" This question, in its many variations, is almost inevitable in school applications, job interviews or introspective moments. It’s deceptively challenging to answer as our self-identity results from accumulated experience in our lifetime. We spend years, perhaps our entire lives, unraveling the intricacies of who we are. But there exists another sense of self, of which many are unaware, that stands by 24/7 to protect us. It resides within us, a quiet but essential arbiter of identity: our immune system.
(02/04/25 5:00am)
The University Writing Program held an event titled Rx: Conversations about Medicine and Writing on Jan. 31. The first speaker was Dr. Lakshmi Krishnan, a historian of medicine, medical humanities scholar and physician currently working at Georgetown University. Krishnan received her M.D. from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and attended the University of Oxford, receiving her D.Phil. in English Literature.
(02/03/25 2:55am)
Welcome to this week’s science news in review, where you’ll find newsworthy scientific innovations or events that have been revealed in the first month of 2025.
(02/05/25 1:30am)
Following President Trump’s inauguration, the flurry of executive orders and funding freezes introduced uncertainty into the period of political transition. Researchers and health practitioners across the country faced questions about the availability of funding for new graduate students and research fellows, as well as the broader impact on their fields in the coming years.
(02/03/25 5:00am)
Dr. Won Jin Ho presented a talk as part of the Immunology Neighborhood Seminar on “Overcoming the tumor immune microenvironment — barriers to cancer immunotherapy” on Jan 21. Ho is a physician-scientist at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center and director of the Mass Cytometry Director at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.