COURTESY OF MELYSSA HAUBENSTRICKER Students from a range of public health disciplines share research findings from all around the globe.
COURTESY OF MELYSSA HAUBENSTRICKER Students presented their latest research at the PHSF conference.
COURTESY OF WWW.UCLA.EDU The telomerase, responsible for maintaining the telomeres of our chromosomes, was finally characterized.
COURTESY OF WWW.SPH.UMD.EDU Vice Provost of Research, Scott L. Zeger, chaired the selection committee.
Courtesy of Despite having different tastes in music, like rap or classical music, the same region in everyone’s brain is activated by listening to music.
COURTESY OF WWW.UCDMC.UCDAVIS.EDU Complexities in nature may have evolved towards simpler structures.
COURTESY OF PRANEETH SADDA Praneeth Sadda’s PURA award will fund his research on designing technology for navigation during surgery.