October 8, 2015DELPHINE BRUYERE/ CC BY-SA 3.0 Humans who lived two million years ago had hearing patterns like those of chimpanzees, according to new research out of Spain and South Africa.
DELPHINE BRUYERE/ CC BY-SA 3.0 Humans who lived two million years ago had hearing patterns like those of chimpanzees, according to new research out of Spain and South Africa.
CARISSA RODGERS/ CC-BY-2.0 A breach at Experian put the data of T-Mobile customers in danger.
TAKKK/ CC BY-SA 3.0 Fertilizer and animal waste are causing increased air pollution.
Courtesy of CATHERINE PALMER 860.000 Catholic pilgrims flock to the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia to hear Pope Francis.
Courtesy of CATHERINE PALMER The two-hour Papal Mass was held in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway and attended by about 860,000.
Courtesy of CATHERINE PALMER Pope Francis visited Washington, D.C., New York and Philadelphia.
Courtesy of ROLLIN HU Vendors at Project Homeless Connect served about 2,000 homeless.