b9_provost awards
April 25, 2013COURTESY OF WWW.SPH.UMD.EDU Vice Provost of Research, Scott L. Zeger, chaired the selection committee.
COURTESY OF WWW.SPH.UMD.EDU Vice Provost of Research, Scott L. Zeger, chaired the selection committee.
Courtesy of WWW.peabody.jhu.edu Despite having different tastes in music, like rap or classical music, the same region in everyone’s brain is activated by listening to music.
COURTESY OF WWW.UCDMC.UCDAVIS.EDU Complexities in nature may have evolved towards simpler structures.
COURTESY OF PRANEETH SADDA Praneeth Sadda’s PURA award will fund his research on designing technology for navigation during surgery.
COURTESY OF WWW.UCSF.EDU Type II diabetes, caused by insulin resistance, affects hundreds of millions.
COURTESY OF WWW.BUZZLE.COM Pneumonia is one of the top causes of childhood mortality worldwide.
courtesy of Baltimore farmer’s market via Facebook Fresh flowers are just one of many tenderly grown products from the farmer’s market.
COURTESY OF WWW.SOCRATES.BERKELEY.EDU Events in the past and future at an equidistance from the present do not feel like they are equally close.
Courtesy of WWW.BANNERHEALTH.COM The Simulation Center at the School of Nursing allows nurses to learn by acting out real-life situations.
COURTESY OF WWW.EPA.GOV Experts are examining the effect of changing CO2 concentrations.
COURTESY OF WWW.NASA.GOV While they have been known to provide the Earth’s water, meteorites may have also provided the phosphates that make up the molecule ATP.
COURTESY OF WWW.NASA.GOV Global warming has a more drastic effect at higher altitudes, like those at the ice caps of Quelccaya.