HOPKINSSPORTS.COM The Lady Jays dropped a tough one to Gettysburg to end their season.
HOPKINSSPORTS.COM Sophomore Kristi Rhead sets the ball in perfect form to her teammate, as the Jays go on to win.
Courtesy of Emily Herman Sufjan Stevens waited to interact with fans until just before his encore.
Courtesy of Emily Herman Sufjan Stevens mesmerized the audience by filling the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall with flurries of light.
Eden, Janine and Jim / CC-BY-2.0 Jane Dickson’s work includes a mosaic in New York’s Time Square subway station.
Courtesy of SAEJIMA VIA FANPOP Crimson Peak, directed by Guillermo del Toro, benefits from strong performances from its small cast.
Courtesy of RAKSHASA VIA FANPOP Hiddleston stars as Thomas Sharpe in the gothic horror film.
LEON SANTHAKUMAR/PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR The Buttered Niblets, the campus’s only improv comedy group, introduced three new members in this show.
LEON SANTHAKUMAR/PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR The Niblets’ improv games dealt with radio shows and haunted houses.