February 4, 2016Google Maps Macedonia is located in southeastern Europe near Bulgaria and Greece.
Google Maps Macedonia is located in southeastern Europe near Bulgaria and Greece.
FILE PHOTO Phi Psi, like all fraternaties. is also affected by the new policies.
hans hillewaert/cc-by-sa-3.0 A new method of preventing frost formation on surfaces is based on the water repellent shell of this beetle.
nASA The ninth planet influences the positions of objects in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune.
furfur/cc-by-sa-4.0 An estimate of the global spread of the potentially life-threatening Zika virus, as of January.
james gathany/public domain The WHO considers the mosquito-born Zika virus a global emergency.
leon santhakumar/photography editor Cocaine causes brain cells to destroy themselves at a damaging rate.
NIAID/cc-by-2.0 Quantum dots made out of metal nanoparticles may be the solution in the fight against superbugs.
frwl-takahata highschool 10/cc-by-sa-2.0 Students score higher on tests when they have a view of the natural environment from their classroom.
Urville86/cc-by-sa-3.0 Traveling forces the internal clock to readjust to new time zones.