B11 Baseball
March 24, 2016hopkinssports.com Senior Raul Shah has stepped up and hugely helped the Jays.
hopkinssports.com Senior Raul Shah has stepped up and hugely helped the Jays.
Hopkinssports.com The Lady Jays continute to battle for every possession including the beginning with the draw.
hopkinssports.com Dismuke scored the OT goal versus Syracuse that sealed Hopkins’ win.
E M/ CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 For me, college is your first snowstorm and wearing a coat in March.
gr33n3gg/CC By 2.0 During spring break, I took advantage of those sunny skies to hang out on my couch and watch Netflix.
COURTESY OF ABBY BIESMAN Hopkins welcomed potential members of the new class on Friday.
LEON SANTHAKUMAR/PHOTOgraphy EDITOR Ross spoke to students in Charles Commons Salon C Monday.
LEON SANTHAKUMAR/PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Students will be able to network with employers and alumni through career academies which new director Anne Garner will help implement.
LEON SANTHAKUMAR/PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR The new process for housing selection was partly intended to lessen the severe competition that always exists between Charles Commons and McCoy, above.
LEON SANTHAKUMAR/PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR When in need, students appreciate HelWell’s caring and attentive staff.
LEON SANTHAKUMAR/PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR The panel discussed a future where police are more held accountable for their actions in the U.S.