COURTESY OF SHERRY KIM James Page will work to create an updated Road Map to Diversity that addresses student concerns.
COURTESY OF TIFFANY MARTINEZ Diversity & Inclusion and the Center for Student Success staff members collaborated to create a safe space for multicultural students.
COURTESY OF JULIE CUI Groups such as the Yong Han Lion Dance club reached out to interested students in every corner of the fair.
PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Comedian and actor Eric André’s unconventional humor entertained a full crowd, including some of his biggest fans, in Shriver Hall.
COURTESY OF SARAH Y. KIM The four former members of Congress answered student questions and debated with each other in a town hall format last night.
PUBLIC DOMAIN From left: former Congressmen Rahall (D-WV) and Stearns (R-FL).
The men’s soccer team was able to maintain their stretch of undefeated play that opened the season, prevailing 2-0 against the Gwynedd-Mercy Griffins at home.
PIXABAY.COM/PUBLIC DOMAIN Researchers hope to take advantage of pluripotent stem cells to test potential therapies.
CMGLEE/CC-BY-SA-3.0 Life expectancy is under threat from obesity in the United States.