October 13, 2016COURTESY OF KUNAL MAITI Indian cuisine was also featured at the festivities in the Rec Center.
COURTESY OF KUNAL MAITI Indian cuisine was also featured at the festivities in the Rec Center.
COURtESY OF NAINA RAO Several Indian dance groups performed at Diwali on Saturday to celebrate Indian culture.
COURTESY OF EDA INCEKARA Black students and allies gather to remember victims of police brutality.
COURTESY OF NICOLE CHENG Humans at JHU founders, Sabrina Chen, Zi-Yi Choo and Calvin Qian, showcase campus diversity.
COURTESY OF HUMANS OF JHU The new student group, Humans of JHU, is building campus community through their online presence.
GAGE SKIDMORE/CC-BY-SA 2.0 The presidential election as well as many Senate, House and local elections will take place in November.
COURTESY OF SIRI TUMMALA Discussion groups were given hypothetical scenarios of clinical trials with placebos.
COURTESY OF KUNAL MAITI Students gathered on the Beach for Hoptoberfest to unwind, eat food and decorate pumpkins with friends.
GAGE SKIDMORE/CC-BY-SA-2.0 Acclaimed actress Lupita Nyong’o, who portrays Phiona’s mother, spoke at the 2016 San Diego ComicCon.
COURTESY OF ALYSSA WOODEN The Pigtown festival spanned several blocks of Washington Boulevard and offered pig and non-pig foods.
COURTESY OF JACOB TOOK Participants of Alloverstreet gather at Gallery CA to view Bobby English, Jr.’s I AM You ARE installation.
BAGO GAMES/CC-By-2.0 A shot from Hertzfeldt’s rendition of The Simpsons’ opening couch gag.
CC-BY-Sa-3.0 Don Hertzfeldt, the mastermind behind It’s Such a Beautiful Day, working at his animation desk.
FAYETNAM /CC-SA-4.0 The art for Ty Dolla $ign’s Campaign features several references to nationalist imagery.