JRENIER/public domain Just look at these beautiful waffles. Golden West Cafe in Hampden only serves these treats during the weekend.
SARAH STIERCH/cc-by-4.0 The entrance to the American Visionary Art Museum, near Federal Hill.
COURTESY OF KUNAL MAITI Students lined N. Charles Street, stretching from the sculpture garden to the Beach.
COURTESY OF KUNAL MAITI The demonstration on Friday was organized by the University’s Center for Diversity and Inclusion.
COURTESY OF KUNIL MAITI Around 400 members of the Hopkins community demonstrated in support of Black Lives Matter last Friday. See A12 for more photos.
COURTESY OF SYDNEY VAN MORGAN Professor David discussed Trump’s inexperience in foreign policy.
courtesy of sydney van morgan Students listened to Hopkins professors discuss the global ramifications of the upcoming U.S. election.
COURTESY OF SYDNEY VAN MORGAN Hent de Vries (left) argues that hope has left American politics.
BJOERTVEDT / cc-by-sa 3.0 Many indigenous people in the U.S. feel that Columbus Day celebrates the destruction of their culture.