November 10, 2016ANOTHERAEOLIST/CC BY-SA 4.0 On Nov. 17, Sen. Bernie Sanders will speak at a joint MSE-FAS event in Shriver Hall.
ANOTHERAEOLIST/CC BY-SA 4.0 On Nov. 17, Sen. Bernie Sanders will speak at a joint MSE-FAS event in Shriver Hall.
FILE PHOTO President Daniels has served in his role at the University since 2009.
FIBONACCI BLUE/CC By 2.0 Members of the Sioux tribe and “water protectors” have been protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline project.
KAREEM OSMAN/PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Christakis spoke to students in Shriver Hall about how social networks affect human behavior.
COURTESY OF EDA INCEKARA Senior Dylan Alvarez urged students to spend time in nature to escape the overflow of information.
COURTESY OF JACOB TOOK Huang emphasized the importance of building ties in the workplace.
JOSE VALCARCEL VIA FLICKR CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0 Each restaurant in the Dinosaur BBQ chain, which originated in Syracuse, bears this logo above its doors.
BRENNA VIA FLICKR cc-by-2.0 Few things can beat a dinner shared with friends, whether it’s home-cooked or out on the town.
COURTESY OF S.O.N. Local rapper Son Of Nun (or S.O.N.) plays an important role in the community as an activist and musician.
Courtesy of Bond St. District Bond St. District dropped their album A Church on Vulcan last Friday.
COURTESY OF JHU FILIPINO STUDENTS ASSOCIATION One of the groups that performed at this year’s CultureShow, the JHU Fillipino Students Association.
PUBLIC DOMAIN A courier poses in front of a badly damaged Italian tank after the first several days of the Warsaw Uprising.
PUBLIC DOMAIN Polish director Andrzej Wajda shooting a film he directed in in 1974.