November 10, 2016COURTESY OF ROLLIN HU Students painted the Blue Jay statue outside of the FFC in protest of Trump’s victory.
COURTESY OF ROLLIN HU Students painted the Blue Jay statue outside of the FFC in protest of Trump’s victory.
COURTESY OF SDS The murals outside of BLC were painted with anti-Trump slogans.
COURTESY OF ROLLIN HU Students painted the Blue Jay statue outside of the FFC in protest of Trump’s victory.
FILE PHOTO President Daniels has served in his role at the University since 2009.
File Photo Between classes and homesickness, being a freshman at Hopkins can be really hard.
Roger Ho/ CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Empire of the Sun wears elaborate headdresses when it performs.
SYNX508/ CC BY-NC 2.0 The birthday paradox demonstrates the complexities of probability.