PUBLIC DOMAIN Roundworms were used as models to detect the signaling pathway for fat metabolism.
LUMOS3/Public Domain Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have lingering carcinogenic effects.
HAYMANJ/CC-BY-2.0 Pancreatic tumors are treatable by surgical removal only at early stages.
DLMEDIA/CC-By-2.0 LSD is a psychedelic drug used to cause hallucinogenic effects and spark creativity.
HOPKINSSPORTS.COM Sam Gordon led the team with 20 points in the win against Gettysburg.
HOPKINSSPORTS.COM Miles Gilliam was a standout wrestler for the Jays last weekend, posting a 2-0 record in the season finale.
KEITH ALLISON/ CC BY-SA 2.0 DanLand predicts the Baltimore Ravens to end up on top of the AFC in the coming 2017 season.
HOPKINSSPORTS.COM Mitchell Keller, Conference Field Athlete of the week.
HOPKINSSPORTS.COM The Hopkins men’s track team put on a dominating performance at the Frank Colden Invitational this past weekend.
COURTESY OF HANNAH MELTON Mill Valley and Gather Baltimore are about a mile away from campus.