April 6, 2017Oakleyorginals/cc-by-2.0 The spinach plant’s structure resembles that of animal heart tissue.
Oakleyorginals/cc-by-2.0 The spinach plant’s structure resembles that of animal heart tissue.
Marco busdraghi/CC-BY-3.0 Scientists across the world are investigating how sea urchins could be used to replace human bone.
Courtesy of jordan green Jordan Green studies complex mechanisms behind how cells function.
public domain Scientists are sequencing the genome of Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that transmits Zika.
public domain Studying smaller galaxies helps astronomers understand how the Milky Way was formed.
justinling/Cc-By-2.0 Clinical trials help determine the efficacy of drugs developed in labs.
Public domain Drinking alcohol is associated with decreased risk of heart disease, but exercise is a better alternative.
HOPKINSSPORTS.COM Senior Haley Schweizer reflects on her experiences as a lacrosse player over the last four years.
Courtesy of Haley Schweizer Senior midfielder Haley Schweizer and her teammates celebrate.
hopkinssports.com Men’s Lacrosse defeated Rutgers, bringing their overall record to 6-3.
hopkinssports.com Both track teams face high expectations for the 2017 outdoor season.