Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
January 7, 2025


 Public Domain
Visual novel games tell stories through interactive pictures and words.

Public Domain Visual novel games tell stories through interactive pictures and words.

Public Domain
Visual novel games tell stories through interactive pictures and words.

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Public Domain Visual novel games tell stories through interactive pictures and words.

 Courtesy of BARRY BLITT
Barry Blitt’s art, including his cartoons that parody President Trump, has ran in numerous magazines.

Courtesy of BARRY BLITT Barry Blitt’s art, including his cartoons that parody President Trump, has ran in numerous magazines.

 FotoosVanRobin/CC BY-SA 2.0
Eat your brownies, but don’t pretend that binging on chocolate equates to self-care.

FotoosVanRobin/CC BY-SA 2.0 Eat your brownies, but don’t pretend that binging on chocolate equates to self-care.

FotoosVanRobin/CC BY-SA 2.0
Eat your brownies, but don’t pretend that binging on chocolate equates to self-care.

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FotoosVanRobin/CC BY-SA 2.0 Eat your brownies, but don’t pretend that binging on chocolate equates to self-care.

Out of 420 registered student organizations, at least 150 will have to change their name or logo to comply with the new branding guidelines

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STAFF Out of 420 registered student organizations, at least 150 will have to change their name or logo to comply with the new branding guidelines

Keith Weller/public domain
Remember that every hamburger you eat was once a cow. Giving up meat can reduce your carbon footprint.


Keith Weller/public domain Remember that every hamburger you eat was once a cow. Giving up meat can reduce your carbon footprint.

Out of 420 registered student organizations, at least 150 will have to change their name or logo to comply with the new branding guidelines

STAFF Out of 420 registered student organizations, at least 150 will have to change their name or logo to comply with the new branding guidelines

Out of 420 registered student organizations, at least 150 will have to change their name or logo to comply with the new branding guidelines.

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STAFF Out of 420 registered student organizations, at least 150 will have to change their name or logo to comply with the new branding guidelines.