Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
January 10, 2025

JHU Dining presents meal plan overview at SGA meeting

By ARANTZA GARCIA | April 6, 2023



SGA passed the APIDA Fashion Show Funding Bill.

The Student Government Association (SGA) held its weekly general body meeting on April 4 to discuss funding for an Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Fashion Show, SGA graduation stoles and containers for SGA. Additionally, JHU Dining presented a meal plan overview for the 2023–2024 academic year.

JHU dining meal plan overview

JHU Dining presented a meal plan overview for the 2023–2024 school year. As part of their presentation, they discussed expansions in hours of operation at Nolan’s and Levering Hall, highlighting upcoming tabling and dining events.

  • Director of Social Affairs Milton Diaz recommended allowing the donation of dining dollars to other students. Sophomore Class Senator Jackson Morris raised the possibility of donating to the food pantry and giving students more guest swipes.
  • Sophomore Class President Ryan Chou asked about the Charles Street Market price labeling project, requesting a timeline for its completion. Executive Director of Operations for Dining Programs Michelle Mooney stated that dining is actively working on the project. She stated that there is no concrete timeline.

Freshman formal event report

Freshman Class President Stone Meng outlined the Freshman Formal that took place on March 10. Highlighting the successes of the event, including high attendance and free food, he added that future formals would work on improving check-in procedures and stocking more backup supplies.

Student resources report

Meng met with administrators to discuss educational resources such as Chem21labs and iClicker, emphasizing that they should not come at an additional cost to students. He described the administration’s response.

  • “They're going to ask faculty to see if there are any more of these unknown, hidden academic resources and get back to us in a follow-up meeting,“ he said. “As for us, we're going to collect more data from students to see what resources they need covered.”

Constitutional amendments

Chou and Morris presented the first reading of the constitutional amendments for SGA.

  • Chou discussed changes that would ease caucus requirements. Requiring 10 rather than 20 active members diminishes the risk of caucuses being inactivated.
  • Junior Senator Mufasa Cruz Moreno explained that advisory status should focus on assistance rather than negative consequences for caucuses. “If you’re a newly chosen congress representative, you're not going to find 10 people immediately, but at least, if you’re not punished for it, you won't have to be like ‘I will just give up because I'm going to be put on probation for something I didn't really know how to do,‘” Moreno said.
  • Chou agreed, citing that the amendment intends to associate inviting language with the advisory status. 
  • Additionally, the amendments would move the vacancy procedure to the bylaws, simplifying the process of updating them, and allow terminology to be changed without legislation.

Storage Bin Funding Bill

Chou introduced the Storage Bin Funding Bill on behalf of sophomore Class Senator Dalhart Dobbs. It would allocate $545.68 to organize the SGA closet through the purchase of labels and clear storage bins. 

CSE constitutional approval

Committee on Student Elections (CSE) Chair Nubaira Milki presented a second reading of CSE Constitutional changes which served to update the SGA logo and ensure the constitution is up to date with the new SGA structure.

  • The constitution was unanimously approved.

FIji Islander Party Funding Bill

Senior Class Senator Sophie Liu requested $2,400 for the Fiji Islander Party Funding Bill

  • Liu requested $2,400 for the purpose of funding 400 tickets, which would be offered on HopkinsGroups on a first-come, first-serve basis. She cites low senior class funds — a result of spending on senior week events — as the reason that tickets will be offered to all classes.
  • Treasurer Kya Nicholson noted that expanding the opportunity to include all undergraduates might limit the number of tickets available to seniors.
  • Meng and Senator Shalala Leny offered to donate from the freshman and junior class to fund the opportunity for seniors, citing preliminary amounts of $1000 and $600 respectively. 
  • Nicholson questioned why the junior and freshman classes don’t fund tickets for their own classes instead.
  • The bill was tabled.

SGA Storefront Funding Bill

The SGA Storefront Funding Bill, as presented by Secretary Elaina Regier, concerns what quantity of SGA merchandise will be ordered.

  • SGA can either fund only what people ordered, earning $160, or fund 140 shirts to give away for the rest of the year, spending $1,876.
  • Leny amended to fund only what people ordered and make $160. The amendment passed unanimously. 
  • The bill passed unanimously.

Copa America Hopkins 

Members voted on the Copa America event proposal previously presented by Club Colombia.

  • The bill passed unanimously.

SGA Graduating Stole Funding Bill

Liu presented the SGA Graduation Stole Funding Bill which requests $511 worth of stoles for graduating members.

  • The bill passed unanimously.

Fashion Show Funding Bill

A second reading to request funding for the APIDA Fashion Show by Liu was followed by a presentation from the Inter-Asian Council (IAC), emphasizing the importance of creating welcoming spaces for APIDA students.

  • IAC President Isabel Veloso described the success of the event last year: “We had over 140 attendees. You could see how many people were lined up for free food. We’ve brought both undergraduates and graduates together as well as students from Homewood and Peabody, really bridging all of the schools.”
  • In their presentation, IAC members stated that, among other things, funds would go towards new decorations, which would be reused annually.
  • Nicholson raised concerns that the IAC was asking for funding while still in possession of unspent alumni grants and funds. Veloso explained that remaining money will be used to cover uncharged IAC expenses and support the Critical Diaspora Studies major. 
  • “The only concern that I have is the fact that they're saving funds for next year, but I feel like it's a very valid reason to since this is a new major that's coming to Hopkins,” Nicholson said
  • Morris requested clarification that SGA would cover a cost of $2525.16, which was confirmed.
  • The bill passed unanimously.

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