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March 10, 2025

SGA members plan for its upcoming events

By XINYUE GU | October 9, 2021



Students and faculty reflect on the transition back to large in-person lectures.

The Student Government Association (SGA) held its weekly meeting on Oct. 5 to discuss its upcoming dinner with University President Ronald J. Daniels and an October tabling event as part of outreach. 

SGA dinner with Daniels

  • Each year, SGA members attend a dinner with President Daniels. SGA Executive President Mehak Ali brought up that the dinner event would likely be back in person this year. She encouraged SGA members to start brainstorming the topics to present to Daniels at the dinner table. “Normally we would have three topics, each of which would have a briefing,” she said.
  • Members suggested topics to bring up with Daniels such as concerns regarding the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) and Student Disability Services (SDS), updates on construction of new facilities, the elimination of fall break, environmental sustainability and steps the University is taking in the wake of a spate of carjackings. 
  • Next week SGA will be split into smaller groups for these potential topics. 

SGA tabling funding 

  • As per SGA Bylaws, SGA must hold a tabling event once a month. The October tabling will happen on Oct. 28; items including SGA water bottles, stickers and cookies will be given to students for free in order to draw students’ attention.
  • Junior Class Senator Peter Huang suggested different products. “If we have a SGA customized design mask handout, that would increase SGA visibility,” he said.
  • Senior Class Senator Subha Bhatta agreed, noting that masks are cheap to give out.
  • Senior Class Senator Grace Wang wanted to give out food over water bottles given the SGA budget, which Treasurer Karen He pointed out is approximately $22,000. “I feel like most people have water bottles already, so maybe we could plan fewer water bottles and more food, like boba, which would also not increase the expense,” Wang said.

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