Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
March 10, 2025

VIDEO ESSAY: A walk through Stony Run

By BAYLEIGH MURRAY | November 17, 2020


The pandemic forced communities across the globe to shelter in place and it closed many of the businesses and venues we’re used to hanging out in. Even in spaces where we are allowed to be around our fellow quaranteens, we were (and still are) required to maintain a distance of six feet. With no place left to go, people started to spend more time in natural spaces, which for several reasons is a tradition that should be continued even after the pandemic is over. With the University’s new announcement, many of us are preparing to return to Baltimore, which happens to be home to several natural spaces close to campus. This video is an ode to and tour of my favorite natural space here in Charles Village: the Stony Run stream.

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