Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
March 13, 2025

Hopkins Lingo: Defining the most popular terms used on campus

By STEPHANIE LEE | August 31, 2019

The Beach

Behind the Hopkins sign lies a large grassy expanse. Though nowhere near the ocean, this field is called “The Beach.” In warmer weather, students hang out and have picnics. In colder weather, students build snowmen, go sledding and have snowball fights.


Pronounced “Jimmy,” this bus connects various Hopkins campuses including the Peabody Institute, the medical school and Homewood.

The Hopkins Bubble

An imaginary (though very real) bubble separates the University from the rest of Baltimore. Do try to pop this bubble by venturing out into Baltimore! Check out the rest of the magazine for food suggestions and things to do in Charm City.

CharMar/The FFC

The Charles Street Market, located under Wolman Hall, is where you spend dining dollars on delicious sandwiches and crepes. The Fresh Food Café, located under AMR II, is where you can use meal swipes in a buffet-style cafeteria.


Chances are you’ll be spending most of your time studying in one of these buildings. The Milton S. Eisenhower Library, or MSE for short, was opened in 1965 and is Homewood campus’ main (and only) library. Brody Learning Commons opened in 2012 as a collaborative study space and is open 24 hours. Please do try to spend more of your time sleeping in your dorm than studying in Brody.

Daddy Bloomberg Memes for Money Needing Teens

In mid-November, Hopkins alum Michael Bloomberg donated a jaw-dropping 1.8 billion to the University. To thank him for his support, students have renamed the unofficial University Facebook meme page from “Hopkins Memes for My Lost Hopes and Dreams” to the above title. The page is a great way to share memes, laughs and feelings of misery as your GPA falls.

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