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Eclectic artists form Ocean Park Standoff

By HAYLEY BRONNER | December 1, 2016

Each artist in the band started with a very different background. Nappi is a self-taught producer who started his own studio when he was just a kid.

Ronson is a high-profile DJ who does high-profile events around the world and just so happens to also be a talented songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.

Thompson is a singer/songwriter who has penned songs for major artists. This mishmash of talents from Santa Monica, Calif. blends together perfectly to create, as Ronson calls it, pure magic. The News-Letter interviewed Samantha Ronson, who cannot wait for everybody to listen to the band’s new music.

News-Letter: You very recently formed this band and started making music together. How did the three of you in Ocean Park Standoff meet for the first time?

Samantha Ronson: Pete and I met through our manager, and then we started vibing out together... He brought Ethan over one day, and it was magic.

N-L: The band’s name is pretty cool and different. How did you come up with it?

SR: It actually came from a standoff on Ocean Park and Kent Street. The boys were driving, and all of the streets were blocked off. We were trying to find out what was going on, but then at the end of the day we found out that there was a standoff with SWAT and some guy with a shotgun, so we decided that it would be our name.

N-L: At what moment, whether it was just two at first or all three [of you] together, did you guys decide to form this band and start making music together.

SR: Basically, after we had a couple of days together making music, we just wanted to keep going. We liked the stuff that we were doing, so we wanted to just keep playing. It just happened.

N-L: The first few singles were just recently released. How do you feel about releasing them and having the public listen to them?

SR: It’s just nice to have them out in the world for people to get to hear. I’m really proud of them and I love what we’ve been working on, so it’s fun to get to share it. I’m happy to put something out there in the world that people can enjoy.

N-L: Have you been able to hear any of the singles on the radio or while you were in a coffee shop?

SR: Pete’s brother recorded it on his phone when our song was on XM radio, which was pretty cool.

N-L: Have you had any really great reactions from your friends and family about the band and your new music?

SR: Yeah! Usually within 10 seconds there is a big smile on my friends’ faces and they’re like “oh, this is good.” That’s the best thing — when it isn’t words but a physical reaction, because you can’t fake it.

N-L: Your new EP is coming out in January, but do you have anything else coming up?

SR: We’re just playing shows, and it is really fun to get to play and see the way that people are reacting. Playing shows is our main focus right now so we can get people to hear our stuff.

If you’re looking for cool new music to end the year with, then Ocean Park Standoff is the band for you. You can follow them on socialmedia: Facebook, Instagram (@Oceanparkstandoff), or on Twitter (@OPStandoff) for the latest updates on the band’s projects and whereabouts.

They will be performing in New York on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. at the Rockwood Music Hall. Be sure to download “Good News” and “Photos & Liquor,” catch their concert if you can and mark your calendars for their EP coming next year.

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