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A playlist to ease you into the winter months

By JULIANA VERACKA | December 8, 2016


Sven Mandel/ CC BY-SA 4.0 The Red Hot Chili Peppers released the song "Snow (Hey Oh)” in 2006.

Some of us might be heading home for the holidays, some of us might not be. Whatever our post-semester plans might be, it’s time for us to wind down and anticipate what will hopefully be at least a bit of a break. It’s also just about time to welcome a change of season — fall is rapidly turning into winter. It won’t officially be winter until the end of the exam period, but we’re already getting some of that crisp, wintry weather here in Baltimore and let’s face it, it’s the feeling that matters more than the official solstice.

So, in the hopes of easing everyone into break and colder weather, here are some tunes I thought you all might like. I hope you get through finals, enjoys any holidays you might be celebrating and are ready to usher in a new year. See you on the other side!

1. “Winter” by Nieves: A sad song, no doubt, but its title fits with the theme of this article obviously. It has a wintry feeling about it, as it should. If you’re looking for something mellow and melancholy to fit the mood of the cold weather, you’re in for a real treat with this one.

2. “Letters from the Sky” by Civil Twilight: I love this one. It’s got a bit of an epic feel to it but is soothing at the same time. I can see it being both a motivational song and a sort of relaxing, bittersweet listen.

3. “To Build a Home” by The Cinematic Orchestra: It’s a long song, but it’s got this bittersweet and also just plain sweet, longing sound that makes it wonderful to listen to on long bus rides. I particularly enjoy watching other cars through the window on my bus rides to and from Baltimore. A must-listen for anyone commuting home, I’d say.

4. “Can’t Pretend” by Tom Odell: A really pretty love song with a bit of a darker sound to it. It feels almost cozy to me but with a dramatic edge. Cozy enough for winter, though? You be the judge.

5. “Stray Italian Greyhound” by Vienna Teng: A cutesy love song — well, more of a pining song. This one is really very sweet and for absolutely no reason at all makes me think of walking through New York City in the cold, which is why it made my list. Of course, it’s also just a really good song.

6. “Snow (Hey Oh)” by Red Hot Chili Peppers: Hey, look, another one with an obvious title. This song definitely feels like winter to me. It’s not particularly about winter, but I feel it in the tune and in the references to snow. Even if you’re going somewhere with a warm climate at the end of the semester, give it a listen.

7. “On Your Side” by The Veronicas: This is a new song that I just recently heard for the first time, and I loved it so I figured I’d put it on here. It might be a good song to listen to if you need support during exams.

8. “Uprising” by Muse: I love this song because it makes me feel rebellious but also motivated, so I thought it would be a good one for getting through exams as well. It’s one of those “no one can tell me what to do!” songs that also make you want to do everything that you’ve been procrastinating.

9. “Pure Morning” by Placebo: I first listened to this song last winter, so now it naturally reminds me of this time of the year. For whatever reason, it makes me think of a gray, early winter morning and I quite enjoy that. I hope you do too.

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