McKeldin fountain has been a part of Baltimore since its completion in 1982. A prime example of Brutalist design, it has been the site of Baltimorean gatherings and protests along with many people’s lunch hours and explorations of the city.
In 2015, the city began to solidify plans to demolish the fountain, located at the corner of Light and Pratt Streets, and continue developing the Inner Harbor area. This movement is in part a response to many cities changing their harbor areas to mimic Baltimore’s — Baltimore is trying to stay unique. Plans for the new area include an installment of native plants and a water-wall.
There has been dissent about the new project as with any type of development or city policy change. Some have criticized the decision, especially for the lack of transparency surrounding the firm hired for the new development. Others have concerns about how the development is being funded, and they are worried about how much Baltimore citizens would have to pay for it. Either way, the plan is moving forward, and McKeldin fountain is going to be demolished.
Baltimore dance company Fluid Movement is putting on a show at the fountain tonight and on Saturday night in honor of the fountain. It is a free performance which will last 15 minutes and feature an all-female cast! The show will also feature sets by artists such as Katherine Fahey & Annie Howe, Papercuts, Lynn Tomilson and Colette Searls, Big Whimsy, Olu Butterfly and the DewMore Baltimore, Revolutionary Motion, 901 Arts, Schroeder Cherry, Single Carrot Theatre, Creative Alliance and Thick Air Studios. The show itself is called HydroPrismEchoChamber.
Fluid Movement is known for putting on a water ballet that got very good reviews and advocating for a swimmable harbor. They also promote community involvement and understanding as well as a love for Baltimore through their work. Fluid Movement will also occasionally set up pop-up theaters for the community to enjoy.
Other events going on this week include the Hopkins Film Festival, a Night Climb at the Hopkins climbing wall and the Baltimore Square Dance at the Ideal Arts Space in Hampden. The Square Dance and perhaps the Night Climb are going to be my personal choices; I may try to get to the fountain as well. The Night Climb is going to have a pretty sweet raffle and a lot of glow sticks, so it will definitely be worth attending. It’s also free and you get to stay in the Rec Center after it closes (wooo!). The Film Fest is a reliably good time.
Happy weekend when it finally comes everybody! It always looks bleak from the beginning of the week, but there’s a lot of fun stuff coming.