Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
March 1, 2025

Seoul to Soul: a lesson in bookkeeping

September 17, 2015


Your Weekend Columnist

This past Sunday on my way home from Timonium I decided to walk from Penn Station to Hopkins instead of taking the JHMI. This was due in part because my phone finally broke for good this past week and because it was a really beautiful day, maybe our first real day of fall.

As I was walking up Charles Street I saw a crowd in the lot next to the Windup Space, which is called the Ynot Lot. It was then that I remembered Seoul to Soul.

I had decided to go to Seoul to Soul when I first heard about it and then, like I do so many things, had completely forgotten about it.

Seoul to Soul was an event meant to help bring together black and Korean communities in Baltimore. In the events that followed the death of Freddie Gray, many Baltimore businesses suffered damage. Among these were Korean businesses, like those in Station North, that are located in predominantly black neighborhoods. This led to tension between the two communities.

Collaborative art, namely Seoul to Soul, would hopefully bring the two together. MICA supported the event, and the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority contributed funds.

The event was free and artists such as Lamar Robinson, Dance and Bmore with Artists Within, Bmore’ Than Dance, the Korean Traditional Dance Company, Han Pan Korean American Cultural Center and the Sounds of Heaven were all slated to perform.

There were also food trucks parked by the lot. I only walked by at the end so I didn’t see very much of it. The vibe was good though from what I saw!

If you like the sound of this event and wish you had known about it beforehand (or, like me, intended to go and forgot), never fear! Baltimore is a great city to be in precisely because things like this are constantly happening and not too far away from our campus.

Moral of the story: keep an eye out for events! A few ways you can do this are Facebook, the Your Weekend section of The News-Letter (shameless self-promotion here) or through Baltimore city papers. Or on my part, do a better job of keeping a calendar.

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