Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
September 7, 2024

Road work promising despite hassles

April 17, 2014

With construction enveloping the east side of campus, students can often be seen remarking on the effects such construction has upon their common routes to and from class. While the fences erected around these construction areas can be quite inconvenient, the Editorial Board is nevertheless encouraged by the prospects of the final outcome of this Charles Street Reconstruction Project.

While this optimism is slightly blunted by delays in the project due to unforeseen communication lines and snowy weather conditions, we applaud the project’s organizers for their efforts to complete this construction in as timely a manner as possible, and we encourage them to maintain this sentiment. Additionally, the Board is pleased with the school’s concern for pedestrian safety. Throughout the process, crosswalks have been moved for this reason.

We’re optimistic, too, that the last stages of the construction will be unobtrusive. If the month of October only sees the installation of signs, then hopefully Charles Street will have as few fences as possible. We additionally are excited to see the final project and hope that it brings a new character to the area.

The Board withholds judgment on whether the whole project is worth the hassle until it sees the final project, but it does see promise in the models released detailing the projected outcome of the construction.

Despite all of the efforts made by the project leaders, we do ask for more transparency throughout the process as various rumors have been circulating about the construction and its looming finish date being pushed back. With more information, students might feel less upset by the inconvenience.

As an aside, the Editorial Board cannot help but notice that the most recent changes to the construction have almost completely surrounded our office with fences. Any help that could be offered in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

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