Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
March 12, 2025

It may be hard to believe, but April is actually the best month to be at Hopkins.

There's something magical about the month; it transforms our campus from a graveyard of hopes and dreams to a place that's actually pretty fun. Don't believe me? These five reasons are sure to convince you that there’s no better time to be at Hopkins than during the month of April.

1. Weather.

April is the month during which we can officially trade in our snow boots and wool coats for sandals and sunglasses. Unfortunately, this transition may take a bit longer this year, after Mother Nature toyed with our emotions all winter, treating us with the occasional breezy day only to follow it with an apocalyptic snowstorm - and doing it again the next week. Hopefully she's realized that that whole arctic chill thing is getting old.

2. The Beach

Although we were all tricked as freshmen into thinking that Hopkins has a sandy oasis hidden somewhere on campus, once April comes the Beach packs just as much fun as - well, an actual beach. The warm weather just draws students to the grassy circle to sit in the sun with friends, enjoy various treats sold by student organizations, and listen to music that seems to come out of nowhere. Enjoying an afternoon on the Beach is a comforting reminder that there is actually some social aspect to life at  Hopkins.

3. Homecoming

Just when you thought that Hopkins students are incapable of having school spirit, homecoming weekend rolls around and shows everyone that we care about Hopkins at least a little bit. Sure, most schools have homecoming in the fall. Sure, only 1% of our student body actually knows how lacrosse works. But when homecoming rolls around, we're all proud to be Blue Jays, even if just for one weekend.

4. Spring Fair

Forget Christmas - Spring Fair is the most wonderful time of the year. Food trucks take over the Freshman Quad, selling everything from turkey legs to fried Oreos, and everything in between. Musicians, real musicians who you can actually see on TV, come to Hopkins for the Friday night concert. Decker Quad transforms into a maze-like market, where you can haggle for organic soap in one corner and try on African jewelry in another. Above all, the magic of Spring Fair comes from the fact that Hopkins students are actually happy. After spending all winter cooped up and hunched over textbooks, Spring Fair provides an inexplicable relief.

5. The end of the academic year

April means you're one step closer to the end of spring semester, and one step closer to completing another year at Hopkins. In just a couple of weeks you can sit back with the satisfaction of knowing that you did it, whatever “it” was. Maybe you became a member of that student organization that you’ve been stalking on Facebook for so long. Maybe you made it through that week from hell when you had two midterms and a paper due. Maybe you made it to class on the morning of that snowstorm, even if everyone saw you slip on the steps in the Breezeway. Whatever you did, April is the perfect time to look back and realize that you started the semester, and the school year, with at least one goal, and you accomplished it. Now give yourself a pat on the back and get ready for finals.

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