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10 quick and easy last minute Halloween costumes for the busy Hopkins student

By KERYCE CHELSI HENRY | November 7, 2013

I don’t know about you, but it seems like Halloween just crept up out of nowhere. Spending so much time focused on schoolwork and extracurricular activities can really make you lose track of time, so it’s completely understandable if you haven’t gotten a chance to pull together a costume yet.

Luckily, I’m here to help with ten last minute Halloween costume ideas. Hopefully it’ll give you one less thing to worry about this week:

1. Miley Cyrus.

With Miley being on the 14th of her 15 minutes of fame, her descent into irrelevancy will only be helped if you dress up like her for Halloween. Trust me; you won’t be the only one who does. And it’d be so easy. You wouldn’t have to wear much – just put your hair in two buns on opposite sides of your head and stick your tongue out every chance you get. Gyrate your body and tell people that you're twerking and you can't stop because you're being yourself.

2. Hop Cop.

It’s easy to dress up as a policeman, but being a Hop Cop takes that extra emotional commitment that shows you put some effort into your costume, but doesn’t take time from your busy schedule. Not only do you have to wear a badge and stand on a corner, but you have to take things to the next level by pretending that your self-esteem isn’t affected by the fact that the very students you serve and protect ignore your existence until they need you. Bask in the awesomeness of your costume when people come to you for help and you reveal your true identity…and maybe call a real Hop Cop.

3. Hipster.

If you’ve ever been on Tumblr (or in the Gilman atrium) you should know how easy it is to dress up as a hipster. All you need is a plaid shirt, dark-framed glasses, and a mason jar filled with an organic kale smoothie you made at dawn. Extra brownie points if your hair has that "I just rolled out of bed but I still look pretty cool" look. Be sure that when you go out to parties you respond to every song you hear as apathetically as possible; you knew those artists way before everyone else did.

4. Ghost.

This is probably the easiest costume you could pull together at the last minute. All you need is a white sheet. Just cut out eyeholes and throw it over yourself and you’re all set. Just make sure the sheet stays flat on your head – if it’s pointy, you’d be sending a totally different message.

5. Cereal killer.

Corny enough for people to appreciate it, and simple enough for you to get your costume together after spending the whole week studying in Brody. Get a cereal box (which is easy because all you eat is cereal) and a knife (also easy because you live in Baltimore and protection is necessary) and get ready for people’s expressions when they realize how clever you are.

6. Trayvon Martin.

Just kidding. Don't even try it.

7. Mad scientist.

This is Hopkins. You’re bound to know someone who would have a lab coat, beakers, and goggles readily available for you to use for your costume. As for the “mad” part, like I said: this is Hopkins. We’re all mad here.

8. Ninja.

Dressing up as a ninja is a great way to avoid actually getting dressed up or going out at all, which is perfect for those of you who lucked out and ended up with an exam on the morning after Halloween. When people claim they didn’t catch you at Fell’s Point or at that house party, tell them you were there – you were just really committed to your costume. In reality, you were too swamped to even leave the library on Halloween night.

9. Nerd.

Not sure how to dress up as a nerd? Look down.

10. Drake.

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