Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
September 7, 2024

Rankings inspire improvement

September 13, 2013

Hopkins moved up from the 13th spot to the 12th spot in the U.S. News and World Report’s annual “2014 Best Colleges Rankings,” which was released on Tuesday. The University tied with Northwestern University, which Hopkins trailed in the 2013 rankings, and ranked one spot behind Dartmouth, which took the 10th spot. President Daniels’s Ten by 2020 plan seeks to attain the top ten rankings of universities by 2020 through efforts ranging from improving campus infrastructure to increasing  funding to its student aid department to implementing new and innovative teaching methods on campus.

Although some may question the significance of the ranking, the editorial board commends Hopkins for its efforts to improve its ranking, as the move upward reflects the collective efforts of students, faculty, administrators and donors to improve the performance of the school. The result has been a much more dynamic University with greater contributions on the global landscape.

The continued move upwards in the rankings serves to properly credit the University for its position as a global contributor in the fields of medicine, engineering and the humanities. By increasing our ranking, we will continue to attract the brightest students and the most accomplished faculty to Hopkins helping us continue our innovative spirit. A higher ranking will also ensure the future stability of the University’s finances by enticing donors to help us our continued rise.

The editorial board is confident that Hopkins will continue its rise upwards in the rankings. It was only back in 2008 when Hopkins was ranked in the 15th position. The University has come a long way since then, and breaking into the “Top 10 by 2020” is an achievable goal. Hopkins continues to maintain two-thirds of its Ph.D. programs in the top 20 of their respective fields and fosters a socio-economically diverse student body that enriches the University experience. While rankings aren’t the end all be all factors to consider when judging a university, it is great to see Hopkins rewarded for its determination and drive to success.

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