Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
March 31, 2025

Hopkins Commencement recently released a bucket list for the graduating senior class. I’ve completed most of it (at least the parts I want to do), but there are a few items I’d still like to check off before I leave this spring.

First, I have to confess that I haven’t actually been to the Farmers’ Market. I know I should have gone by now, considering I’ve been here for four years. And I’ve planned on it many times; it’s just that I find it hard to give up my lazy Saturday mornings. But this May, after classes and exams are over, I will definitely be there. No matter what, it’s finally going to happen.

I’d also like to go to Bengie’s old-school drive-in theater in Middle River, which has been around for almost 60 years. I’ve never been to a drive-in movie, and Bengie’s is supposed to have one of the biggest screens in America. But I don’t have a car, so I’ll have to wait patiently until someone decides to take me.

Another thing I’d like to do is go to the Preakness. I love horses, but I’ve never been to a race before. The Preakness is a big one, and since I’m not likely to be in Kentucky anytime soon, this seems like my best chance. Luckily, the Preakness is on the schedule for senior week, so I’m all set to check this item off.

The bucket list also suggests boating around the Inner Harbor. I’ve been to the Harbor many times, but I’ve never gotten in one of those paddle boats. I’m sure it’d be nice to float around the harbor with some friends on a nice spring day. This shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish before I leave.

This isn’t mentioned on the official Commencement Bucket List, but I want to add the Maryland Zoo to my own to-do list. I’ve been to the National Zoo in Washington DC, which is supposed to be bigger and nicer. But the Maryland Zoo is right here in Baltimore’s Druid Hill Park, so I think I should take advantage of the opportunity. Maybe I’ll check out some of the fun events they have planned for this spring, like breakfast with the animals.

Finally, I want to attend the Maryland Film Festival this May. There are around 50 full length and 75 short films showing in the Charles Theater and the Brown Center at MICA. Of this year’s choices, I plan to watch Augustine, Good Ol’ Freda, and Prince Avalanche, and a few others if I don’t get too bogged down studying for finals.

It’s surprisingly difficult to track down the festival’s logistics, but I’ve done some research, and you can attend each screening for $10. (Unless of course you’d like to pay $325 for the all-access pass.)

I only have about a month left until I graduate from Hopkins, but I’m determined to accomplish these tasks and more. Baltimore has been my home for four years, and I want to make the best of my time in this quirky, fantastic city.

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