An undisclosed incident involving several members of the Hopkins Men’s Lacrosse team recently resulted in a violation of team policy. The team’s head coach, David Pietramala, responded by pledging to bench two different members of the team who were involved in the incident during games throughout the season.
The editorial board commends Pietramala for his decision to take disciplinary action, but believes that the team should disclose the details surrounding the incident. Additionally, the board urges administrators to rethink the system of ethical oversight on the lacrosse team.
This incident has brought to light a number of issues regarding the disciplinary structure of the team. Because it is not affiliated with any conference, the team is not subject to any third-party oversight or governing body.
Furthermore, the team’s position as the sole Division I entity within the Athletic Department, as well as its status as the University’s most prominent sports team, means that it enjoys a considerable degree of autonomy from the school administration. This means that the head coach has the final say regarding any action to be taken in response to violations of the team’s rules.
While the editorial board thinks Pietramala made the right decision concerning the punishment of his players in this case, it finds it disconcerting that there is no impartial third party judge. As the head coach, he is a part of the team and thus not a completely impartial arbiter in potential disputes. His relationship with the team may not give him the ability to function as an impartial judge and jury. While this specific incident may have been handled appropriately, the editorial board questions whether the individual occupying the head coach position will be able to maintain the necessary degree of objectivity while dealing with future incidents.