Last week, Hopkins J Street U held a discussion about Israeli-Palestinian border disputes. The nationwide organization advocates for a two-state solution to the ongoing conflict. Considering how complicated, relevant and heated this dispute is, this page believes promoting more dialogue to better understand the issues is valuable to a University campus.
Many students may feel far removed from political disputes in the Middle East, but the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is tied to America’s politics and culture in significant ways. Some students and organizations are passionately outspoken on these matters, but often engage in one-sided activism.
Yet the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is deeply complicated and anything but one-sided. The fact that a pro-two-state solution organization is involved in promoting discussion is important since it guarantees a more balanced and comprehensive examination of the matter. Groups that identify with one of the two sides are also a valuable presence at Hopkins, but it is refreshing to see an active organization that is less partial.
The two-state solution is a great concept in theory, but made difficult by many complications. Countless people across the country and indeed the world would describe themselves as supporters of such a solution (even the hawkish Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu).
However, far fewer people genuinely understand what has prevented this from becoming reality. J Street U’s initiatives can help break down both sides of the conflict, scrutinize their interests and illuminate some of the less straightforward obstacles for students. This is critical and can go a long in way in improving our student body’s understanding of an issue that is bound to make headlines for the foreseeable future.