Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
September 14, 2024

Junior class opens party to all students

By JACK BARTHOLET | December 6, 2012

The Student Government Association (SGA) opened up the Junior Class’ “JHU I Love the 90s” theme party to all Hopkins students yesterday due to concerns that the event would not attract enough participants.

“There are a lot of private events for juniors this Friday, so we didn’t want to take our chances that everyone will buy tickets the last day,” Junior Class Senator Dylan Gorman wrote in an email to The News-Letter. “I don’t think we are taking anything away by opening it up.”

The event was subsequently advertised Wednesday morning as being open to all students, with Robert Turning, Director of Student Activities, broadcasting the event details to the entire student body.

“I don’t have the exact numbers, but basically the Juniors have filled close to half [of the available spots],” Gorman wrote. “Of course, there are a bunch of people who choose to buy tickets on the last day; we just wanted to make sure we sell enough to have a good event,” Gorman wrote.

The event was designed to relieve stress leading up to final exams.

“This event wasn’t designed to be your typical formal; we made it so that people who go can blow off some steam before finals,” Gorman wrote.

Gorman pointed out that there will be events in the future that the junior class can enjoy as well.

“We still have the cruise to look forward to in the spring, and I think everyone will be looking forward to that cash bar,” Gorman wrote.

The event will be held on Friday at Port Discovery, a museum in downtown Baltimore that will feature different exhibits, a 30 foot jungle gym and a DJ playing popular 90s music. The event will also include a “happy hour” at Mosiac Night Club from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. for juniors and seniors that are of legal drinking age.

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