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March 31, 2025

Social media keeps you connected with the fam

By AMANDA GARCIA | October 4, 2012

Whether it’s ooVoo, Skype, Facebook, or FaceTime, nearly everyone has had a taste of online video chat. It’s nice seeing people that are far away on a screen and getting a little bit more than you would by phone. It just so happens that this past week was a busy one for FaceTime.

Not sure what day it was, Hopkins sucks away my memory with the overload of new information every day, but on two different days I had conversations with the padres and brother and another with the kiddies. Of course each convo had their own unique flavor, but the one with the parentals and bro far out-did the kids.

Whenever I leave for school, something has to change that’s just how it works. So naturally my parents have taken to sleeping in the living room on a new airbed. The same place we all slept together during the summer watching netflix. The chat started with the usual, how was school, what did you eat, blah blah blah. All the while my mom shot off these questions, my dad was smiling. This may not seem like a big deal but seriously my dad and I are twins. I am the female version of John Garcia. This made me laugh the whole time, which my mom never appreciates. She has known me all of 18 years and some months and has yet to warm up to my humor or my laugh for that matter. She points this out and then my bro makes his appearance.

My brother. That’s right, he deserves his own fragment of a sentence. He is hilarious. He comes into the screen and starts twerking. If you don’t know what this is, youtube it. Let me tell you, he is a pro. We proceed to have a cursing match while he puts his newly developed muscles on display. His 20 pushups a night have actually done something. Then my dad realized something was charged to his credit card due to my bro’s Xbox live tendencies and proceeds to go upstairs and start yelling, my brother following him while defending his honor.

This leaves ample time for my mom to start posing in front of the screen. My mom was meant to be a model. No joke, the camera is her second husband. Then we go into the age-old conversation of getting old, don’t ask me why. This woman looks and acts younger then her age but we always talk about it. By the time the charge on my dad’s account is straightened out and Johnny is by the kitchen doing some more pushups, I have already taken enough pics to fill an album to appease my young momma before saying bye with the ol’ homework excuse.

Words of advice: If you haven’t FaceTimed in awhile I suggest you get on that because if whoever you talk to is half as entertaining as my fam is, then it will be a nice reprieve from the mess that is studying for midterms.

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