Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
September 7, 2024

Students celebrate Bin Laden’s death

By admin | May 5, 2011

Late Sunday night, after President Obama announced that a Specil Forces Team had located and killed Osama Bin Laden, spontaneous celebrations erupted across the country, including on the Homewood campus and in Charles Village. Some students even went to Washington D.C. to join the revelry that broke out around the White House. However, this reaction to Bin Laden’s death was highly controversial.

Some students, like senior Tyler Smith, thought the revelry was in poor taste.

“Whether or not one believes that killing Bin Laden was morally justified, a death is never cause for celebration. His death is cause for solemn reflection on everything we lost on September 11, and have lost since.” Smith said.

Other students, like senior Aaron Jones, found nothing wrong with the positive response.

“I think when evil people die it’s a good thing and too many good people die on this planet for me to mourn the death of an evil doer like Osama Bin Laden.”

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