Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
October 5, 2024

JHU Dodgeball Tournament

By Alex Still | November 11, 2009

For those interested in a physically demanding activity, the Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Guatemala team is hosting a school-wide dodgeball tournament on Saturday, Dec. 5.

Whether or not you're an avid dodgeball player, or a fan of the landmark, culturally relevant film, this tournament will offer a wealth of energetic fun just before finals.

Team sign-ups for the tournament begin this Thursday, and will run all the way until Dec. 1. Students can register in groups of five to eight in front of Levering during the day (from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) or Nolan's in the evenings (5 - 7 p.m.). They can also contact the event coordinators via Facebook.

Participation in the tournament comes with a $5 entrance fee per person, but the proceeds benefit a worthy cause.

Victory in this tournament offers more than eternal Hopkins dodgeball glory, since the EWB Guatemala team will be using the entrance money towards funding a trip to help residents of a poor Guatemalan village. And here at Hopkins, prizes and a trophy await those who truly prove themselves on the dodgeball court on Dec. 5. The games will be staged from 4:30 - 9 p.m. at the Rec Center.

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