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Phillips overcomes injury to succeed

By DEMIAN KENDALL | February 8, 2007

Any team that steps foot in Goldfarb Gymnasium knows that they'll need to sink their shots, because just about any ball that bounces off the rim is likely to land in the hands of sophomore forward Kristin Phillips.

Phillips, who played in 25 games last season, totaled 101 rebounds and 81 points in her first year as a D-III athlete. Her full potential was not reached, however, as she missed the final five games of her freshman campaign due to injury. Forced to watch her team complete the season without her, she made a vow to devote the off-season to getting back in health and back on the court.

She committed herself to her team in many ways: playing pick-up games, hitting the weight room and running almost every day. Her goals in sight, she returned to the court revitalized. From the get-go of the inaugural game of the Mike Durgala Memorial Tournament, it was evident that Phillips planned on coming back strong.

According to Phillips, the second game of that tournament against Moravian was the best she's played so far. "As a whole, we played well together," Phillips said. "I had more confidence out there, and felt much more comfortable." Phillips fought alongside her teammates to win the tournament, but that was only the beginning.

Phillips has since led her team to 10 more wins since the tournament. Now at the 20-game mark, she has shattered her personal rebound record, tallying 155 thus far. Phillips has also more than doubled last season's points total with 168. She is currently fourth on the team in both categories. "My style's not traditional," Phillips said. "I shoot from the outside a lot but rebounding is the biggest part of my game."

Despite her success this season, Kristin Phillips is as humble as they come. "It's hard to talk about myself," Phillips said. When asked about her accomplishments, Phillips more often then not found herself speaking of her teammates and their unfailing support.

"[My team] always gives me support, and we're all friends on and off the court," Phillips said. "We always have fun out there, and I couldn't have accomplished anything I've done without them."

Kristin's teammates were just as quick to praise their friend.

"Part of what I think makes Kristin so valuable to our team is how she doesn't give up," sophomore guard/forward Jenna Berninger said. "She's a person that we can ask almost anything of, whether we need more rebounding, points in the paint, or a three -- and she usually comes through."

"She is such a tremendous player and represents a true leader," senior guard Whitney Davis said. "She is by far one of the most talented players I have played with and her awesome work ethic really stands out."

Even the first year players are taking notice of the daily diligence and infectious character of such an exemplary athlete.

"She is extremely hard-working day in and day out, but [also] has this great ability to keep the atmosphere at practice light and make everybody laugh," freshman guard Katie Biggart said. "She has definitely made my experience on the basketball team a positive one."

Kristin lives in Wilmington, Del., where she played high school ball for Tower Hill High School. Only an hour-and-a-half away from home, Kristin has at least one family member in the stands, cheering her on at every game. "Family is very important to me," Phillips said. "They always give me a lot of support, whatever I do."

Off the court Phillips is majoring in International Studies and is a member of the National Collegiate Scholars, a prestigious organization that requires members to maintain a 3.5 or higher overall grade point average.

Kristin Phillips and the Blue Jays are looking to avenge a previous loss against Ursinus at home this Saturday. At the tail end of their season, the team has two more Conference home games against Ursinus and Gettysburg and an away game at Franklin and Marshall before the Centennial Conference Championship on Feb. 21.

When that ball floats toward the hoop, keep an eye out for Kristin Phillips, soaring above the frenzy to grab it and lead her teammates and friends to victory.

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